As with many industries, inflation has affected the costs associated with running live events, including flights, hotels, venues, and other variables . In order to maintain the high-quality, caliber events that you have come to expect from Velocity, we must adjust our rates accordingly. With this increase, we can ensure that we are able to provide the opportunities for dancers that we have become known for at our Regional and Season Finale events.
We are proud to partner with the Always Enough Foundation, which helps dancers and their families attend events such as Velocity. If you are in need of financial assistance to attend one of our events, a link will be available on September 1st.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support. We are committed to providing you with the best possible experience at our events.
Dance Studios/Studio Directors may apply their own additional administrative and overhead fees.
One day dancer rates are available. Please contact info@velocitydanceconvention.com for more information. In order to register for the competition portion of the event, all dancers must be registered for the full weekend. No one day dancers are allowed to compete. ​
For convention the deposit amount is determined by the range of attendees each studio registers.
Deposits for convention start at $200.00 and will increase by $25 per every 10 dancers registered.
Deposits for studios will not be bypassed.
If you are attending as an individual with a scholarship, please contact info@velocitydanceconvention.com to bypass the deposit step.
Refunds are not given for deposits. No exceptions.
All deposits are non-transferrable. No exceptions.
All qualifying studios must book their room under the Velocity room block. Only group rates will be covered by Velocity Dance Convention. In order to obtain your complimentary night(s) you must email Velocity your reservation confirmation number and name the reservation is booked under. Email us: Info@velocitydanceconvention.com
All rooms being covered by Velocity Dance Convention are required to send their confirmation code to info@velocitydanceconvention.com by the Event’s Registration.
In order to receive discounts, all students accounted for must be paying full price and be registered before the deadline of the city in which you are attending. This excludes Scholarship Recipients.
Photocopies of valid College IDs must be attached to the registration form in order to obtain the above discount.
All ages, Convention & Competition, are determined as of January 1st, 2025. (For example: Ages for November 2024 events will be as of January 1st 2025, and ages for March 2025 events will be as of January 1st 2025).
If an event is sold out, we will not be allowing students to dance in a different ballroom other than their appropriate age category. No exceptions.
All students must audition for scholarships in their appropriate age level for auditions. ​​
For Regional events, we will have some cities where the 9-12 year olds will dance together in one ballroom. However, for scholarship auditions we will audition the Juniors (9-10) and Intermediates (11-12) separately. Resulting in five age divisions for scholarship recipients at the end of each weekend: Mini (5-8), Junior (9-10), Intermediate (11-12), Teen (13-15), and Senior (16-18).
Mini Ballroom consists of half- day classes on both Saturday and Sunday of the Convention.
Each studio director is asked to allocate one representative to monitor the Mini Ballroom for that particular studio's dancers.​
Only registered studio owners/teachers will be allowed in any ballroom for scholarship auditions. This rule includes the Mini Ballroom.
Registered Teachers may attend, take notes, or dance in any ballroom Friday-Sunday of the convention and may attend the teacher seminars.
Independent Dancers are not eligible to receive scholarships or compete.
If you are with a dance studio and attending as an individual, your studio must still register you under their studio account. Parent registrations will not be accepted.
If you are not with a dance studio and wanting to attend classes as an Independent dancer, please contact info@velocitydanceconvention.com.
Payments must be fully submitted no later than three (3) weeks prior to the event.
All registration and entry fees are non-refundable, no exceptions.​​ Studio credits are up to the discretion of Velocity Dance Convention.
​Studio registrations with 15+ dancers will have the option to receive their registration in the mail pre-event. These registration packages will arrive no later than Wednesday before the event. An email will be sent to each studio that qualifies for mailed registration requesting the best address. If you do not respond to this email by the deadline given then your registration must be picked up at the event. Studios that have not paid their balance or do not have all waivers signed by the payment deadline will not receive their registration packet in the mail. Studios/Registrations with 14 or less dancers registered will pick up their registration at the event itself.
Studio Registration Packets must be picked up by a Studio’s Director or Teacher. No Parent or Dancer will be allowed to do so, unless Velocity is informed prior to the date of the event by the Studio Director.
Velocity Dance Convention will have a registration booth available on Friday afternoon/evenings and Saturday mornings.
All registration must be completed on our online registration.
Velocity requires a deposit to start your registration for each event. No refunds. No exceptions, even if you did not intend on registering for this event.
Velocity Dance Convention cannot guarantee registration on the morning of the event, due to the possibility selling out. Please contact Velocity Dance Convention’s office prior to the convention to confirm availability.
Dancers attending multiple Regional events in one season receive 25% off convention fees after one Regional city has been paid in full for the season. This discount has to be manually applied and approved by the Velocity office. Please email info@velocitydanceconvention.com to have this discount applied.
STUDIO Representative
Velocity does not sell or allow parent observers into the ballrooms.
All registered Studio Directors/Teachers are allowed to observe all classes including auditions during the Regional Season.
If a studio does not have enough teachers/staff for all ballrooms, you may register one (1) studio representative to be in each ballroom for the duration of the weekend. This is at teachers discretion and the studio representatives must be registered by the registration deadline. We will require the studio representative name and date of birth, they will also need to complete the waiver before the event. The studio representative will need to sign the waiver as a “Teacher”. ​
No personal checks, Canadian checks, or Cash are accepted.
Please send one studio check for all Workshop fees, and a separate studio check for Competition fees.
There will be a $35.00 fee for all returned checks.
All major credit cards are accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
Letter size envelopes only please. No boxes or large envelopes that need to be signed for.
Make all checks payable to:
Velocity Dance Convention
11159A South Towne Square
St. Louis, MO 63123

If a dancer has moved dance studios or become “Independent”, they must get written permission from their former studio in order for any scholarships to be used through their new studio.
Once you have added a dancer to your registration roster, you will see a “scholarship” box next to their name. If a dancer has a valid scholarship, please check this box. Once you check this box, a drop-down menu will appear with all of the scholarship options. Please select the scholarship that your dancer received. Once this scholarship has been selected, this dancer’s registration fees will be waived.
All one-day and Independent dancers are not eligible to receive scholarships at a Velocity weekend.
Students may only win each scholarship once a season. Example: If a dancer has won a MVA Runner Up scholarship in a season they cannot receive that scholarship again in the same season. However, they do qualify to place as the MVA Winner of their age division or for any outside partner scholarships.
Pro-Am Dancers are not eligible to receive scholarships.​
Any Scholarships that are not applied by or after the Event Registration or Payment Deadline will not be refunded or credited. It is the responsibility of the studio to apply the scholarships to each event registration. Please email info@velocitydanceconvention for any inquiries or assistance in applying scholarships to your registration.
Velocity Dance Convention will email a convention & competition schedule to the studio owner or director, one week prior to the event date. The schedule will be posted online under each event city on our TOUR DATE PAGE.
Dancers will no longer be provided a wristband for Velocity events. Instead, each dancer will need to ensure that their number is being worn at all times. ​
Teachers and Studio Representatives are required to wear a wristband throughout the duration of the weekend. Anyone without a wristband will be denied entry into all ballrooms.​​
Photography and Video recording from any media devices (i.e. digital cameras, cell phones, SLR’s, Flip, etc.) is strictly prohibited during classes and competition. This is to enforce the children’s safety and privacy, as well as protecting the work of choreographers and faculty.
We offer professional photo and video services at each of our events. Please visit our media booth, CEVENTPICS, onsite or purchase online HERE.
Velocity will be following all health and safety protocol at each event location. The host hotel or venue will take all precautions to maintain a healthy and safe environment for all attendees.
The host hotel, facilities and Velocity Dance Convention are not responsible for any lost personal items or injuries.
If a participant of Velocity Dance Convention is in need of first aid, please see a Velocity Staff member at the registration booth or visit the Velocity Wellness Booth.
Please make sure all personal items are against the perimeter of the ballroom at all times to avoid injury.
All dancers under the age of 18 who are registered with Velocity Dance Convention must be accompanied by an adult of a legal age.